Right Image. Right Dose. Right Here.

Magnolia Regional Medical Center utilizes a 128 slice, low-dose CT (Computed Tomography) for medical imaging. For more information about our CT services, call 870-235-3161.

Why do doctors recommend CT scan?

CT or CAT scans have revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting almost every part of the body. They enable your doctor to see details about your bones and other internal organs in seconds. This information can help your doctor diagnose and treat your medical condition more quickly, more economically, and with less interruption to your life.

How are CT scans different than x-rays?

CT scans create 3-dimensional pictures of your body and provide more detailed information than ordinary x-rays. They allow doctors to see inside the body without having to operate or perform invasive examinations. CT exams quickly provide critical informality to the doctor and have proven invaluable tin pinpointing tumors and planning treatment with radiotherapy.

What exactly is a CT scanner?

A CT scanner is a special kind of x-ray machine that looks like a large donut. It uses x-rays generated from a source that rotates around your body to create many images that a computer processes into 3-dimensional pictures. You will need to lie still on a table while the table moves through this donut and generates the pictures. The study is relatively quick and painless and gives more information about the inside of your body than a single x-ray. CT scans can be used to produce virtual images that show what a surgeon would see during an operation.

What are my risks?

CT scanners use moderate amount of x-ray radiation. In face, the amount of radiation you receive from most scans is equivalent to one year’s worth of natural environmental radiation.Over the past two decades radiation doses in medical procedures have steadily declined due to improvements in x-ray films and equipment. Plus, our ability to target radiation more precisely to one part of the body results in considerably less exposure.

What does MRMC do to limit radiation exposure?

We do everything possible to make sure you’re exposed to the smallest amount of radiation. Our Philips CT system can automatically suggest the x-ray dose level and energy beam spectrum for each exam and patient to maintain diagnostic image quality with less dose. We also monitor x-ray dose for each type of exam, so you know you’re getting just the right amount to produce a quality image.

What happens during a CT exam?

You are placed comfortably on the table, also known as a couch. If the study needs it, you may receive an IV injection. You will pass through the scanner once to help plan the scan. You will then pass through a second time and be asked to hold your breath. The x-rays will come on when the area of interest passes through the opening. No part of the scanner touches you.

Does it hurt?

The examination doesn’t hurt, but some people find it uncomfortable to lie on the table. Let your doctors and radiographer know if this might be a problem.

How long will my exam take?

One you’ve removed all metal objects like eyeglasses and watches, the test is relatively quick and painless. The length of your CT depends on the exam your doctor ordered. The exam itself often lasts only a few seconds.

How do I prepare for an exam?

No special preparation is needed for most CT scans. Women should tell their doctors if there is any possibility that they’re pregnant. It’s also important to let the doctor or technologist know if you have any allergies, asthma or kidney trouble, prior to having the IV contrast injected. Some patients may experience side effects due to allergic reactions to the IV contract injected into the veins.