Magnolia Regional Medical Center is committed to providing top-quality healthcare to patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Our Financial Assistance Program (FAP) helps eligible patients with their bills for services received at MRMC.
Who is Eligible?
- A person whose household income is not more than 300% of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) may be eligible for discounted services from participating providers at MRMC. (Visit https://magrmc.org/FAPguide to review current Federal Poverty Guidelines.)
- The patient has been screened for other assistance programs, such as Medicaid. If not, our Financial Counselor can help with that process.
- For emergency or other medically necessary care, a patient who qualifies for assistance may not be charged more than amounts generally billed to individuals with insurance.
- Services eligible for the discount must be medically necessary and not cosmetic.
- Only services provided at MRMC’s hospital, Emergency Room, Rehabilitation Center, and clinics by participating providers under this policy are eligible for the discount.
- To download the full Financial Assistance Program Policy, click here. (Para espanol, haga clic aqui)
How to Apply:
- You may download a Financial Assistance Application by clicking here (para espanol, haga clic aqui), or you may pick it up at 101 Hospital Dr, Magnolia, AR 71753. They are available from the registration desk in the Emergency Room, Admissions, Rehabilitation Center, or any MRMC clinic. You may also request an application be mailed to you by calling 870-235-3009.
- If you would like to make an appointment with our financial counselor for assistance in completing the application, you may call 870-235-3009.
- Return the completed application and required documents to our financial counselor in the Admissions Office or mail directly to Magnolia Regional Medical Center, Attn: Financial Counselor, PO Box 629, Magnolia, AR 71754.
What to Include:
In addition to the Financial Assistance application, applicants are asked to submit one or more of the following documents:
- Previous calendar tax return
- Last three bank statements
- Three most recent check stubs
- Documentation of applicable financial benefits received
- Other sources of financial support
*Please note that this is not an inclusive list. Refer to the application for a complete list of required documentation.