Who Can Get Full Medicaid Benefits?

It depends on how much money you make, how much property you own, your age, and your situation. Most people who can get Medicaid are in one of these groups:

  • Age 65 and older
  • Under age 19
  • Blind
  • Disabled
  • Pregnant
  • The parent or the relative who is a caretaker of a child with an absent, disabled, or unemployed parent
  • Living in a nursing home
  • Under age 21 and in foster care
  • In medical need of certain home or community-based services
  • Have breast or cerfical cancer
  • Disabled, including working disabled

What if I can’t get full Medicaid benefits?

There are programs that can help:

  • ARKids First-B
  • Medicaid Spend-Down
  • Medicare Savings Programs

ARKids First-B (CHIP Title XXI-funded)

ARKids First-B is for children under age 19 who do not have medical insurance through a parent’s employer, or who cannot use their medical insurance. For example, if a noncustodial parent living outside of Arkansas has health insurance on their child who lives in Arkansas, but Arkansas doctors do not accept that insurance.

  • On ARKids First-B you will make a small payment called a co-payment for prescription drugs and some medical care, but not for preventative care like well-child check-ups.
  • You can apply for ARKids First-A (Medicaid) and ARKids First-B (CHIP Title XXI-funded) at the same time
  • For more information on ARKids First-B, call 1-888-474-8275

Medicaid Spend-Down

If you are hurt or sick and need a lot of care, you might be able to get temporary help from Medicaid even if you make too much money to get regular Medicaid. This is called “Medicaid Spend-Down”.

  • To qualify for Medicaid Spend-Down you must be spending a large part of your money on medical care
  • You have to re-enroll in Medicaid Spend-Down every three months
  • Contact the DHS office in your county for details

Medicare Savings Programs

You must be on Medicare to qualify for any Medicare Savings Program

  • You must make less than a certain amount
  • Different programs have different rules
  • For more information about Medicare Savings Programs, contact DHS